Yellow tape (2023)


Original painting by Clara Lemos 

Acrylic, tissue paper, ink, colored pencils, paper, raw canvas, tape, pen and thumbtacks on canvas.

10” x 20” x 1.5”

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Original painting by Clara Lemos 

Acrylic, tissue paper, ink, colored pencils, paper, raw canvas, tape, pen and thumbtacks on canvas.

10” x 20” x 1.5”

Original painting by Clara Lemos 

Acrylic, tissue paper, ink, colored pencils, paper, raw canvas, tape, pen and thumbtacks on canvas.

10” x 20” x 1.5”

Includes certificate of authenticity. Hand signed on reverse. Varnished.
Artwork is sold stretched and can be directly hanged on its stretcher frame (my preferred way). Upon request, additional hanging fixtures (hooks and wire) can be included.
Please note that this artwork contains thumbtacks. While measures were taken to safely secure the thumbtacks at the back of the artwork, we advise extra care while handling it. We do not accept liability for any damage caused by this artwork.

Please contact for purchase. All payments will be processed via Paypal.

Unless specified in advance, shipping will be billed separately. Please request a quote for your destination and size of painting.
International shipping can be organized for selected pieces. Please inquire about available options and associated shipping costs. Customers outside of the USA are responsible for any tax, duty charges and handling fees. These charges will depend on the receiving country.